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Managing Automatic Applications

Lifecycle supports adding applications to a default organization by analyzing a new application identifier for the first time. As of IQ Server version 143, you may include the optional organization ID parameter to specify which organization where the application will be added to. See the CLI documentation for details.


The credentials used will need the Evaluate Applications permission assigned to the designated parent organization to add new applications.

Automatic Application Creation Example 1

The following is an example of what to expect adding applications automatically in Lifecycle. In this example, Lifecycle only has 1 application configured, Sandbox Application, with an application ID of 'sandbox-application'.

  1. Configure Automatic Application Creation using the instructions below. Set the Parent Organization to the default 'Sandbox Organization'.

  2. From the command line (CLI), scan an application while passing in the public ID of 'test_1'

    java -jar ./nexus-iq-cli-{version}.jar -i test_1 -s http://localhost:8070 -a admin:admin123 ./
  3. After the scan the Lifecycle UI now has 2 applications under the 'Sandbox Organization', the default app and the new one named text_1 as both the application name and ID.

  4. from here you may rename the application, move to a new organization, and set Application Categories to the new application.

  5. Scanning the application again with the same id will only add a new scan and not a new application.


Configuring Automatic Application Creation

To configure automatic applications, follow the instructions below:

  1. Log into Lifecycle with a user that has the Manage Automatic Application Creation permissions or is assigned to the Policy Administrator role.

  2. Click the System Preferences.

  3. Choose Automatic Applications from the drop-down menu.

  4. Enable or disable automatic application creation globally using the toggle (enabled is blue with the button on the right side of the toggle pill)

  5. Select the Parent Organization where the application will be added. Create an organization if none are available.

  6. Click the Update button to save your changes.


Changes to automatic application configuration will only impact those applications created after the changes have been saved.
