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Azure DevOps Configuration

Create an Access Token in Azure DevOps

Required Token Permissions


Azure DevOps

Automated Commit Feedback

Code: Read & Write

Automated Pull Requests

Code: Read & Write

Pull Request Commenting

Code: Read & Write

Pull Request Line Commenting

Not Applicable for AzureDevOps

Bitbucket Code Insights

Not Applicable for AzureDevOps

To create a personal access token:

  1. Log in to your organization in Azure DevOps

  2. Open your user settings

  3. Select Personal access tokens from the User Settings menu.

  4. Click the + New Tokenbutton

  5. Name your token and select All accessible organizations. Choose an expiry date for your token.


    Important! If you do not select All accessible organizations, the Easy SCM Onboarding feature will not work.

To enable automated pull requests and automated commit feedback:

  1. Select the scopes for this token to authorize for your specific tasks. For the full features of IQ SCM support enableCode: Read & Writeand then selectCreate.


    See this explanation for details of Azure DevOps scopes

  2. Save the personal access. You will not be able to view it again.


Protecting the Target Branch

You can prevent users from merging Pull Requests with failing IQ Policy Evaluations. IQ Policy Evaluations must be set to Fail at the Source Stage.

Create and configure a Branch Policy to protect your target branch:

1. Navigate to Repos → Branches in the left menu, and select a branch to protect (typically main or develop). Select Branch policies from the menu.


2. Find Status checks and click the + button

3. Fill out the form

Status to check * → Security/IQ Policy Evaluation

Policy requirement → Required

The rest of the values can use the default options


See this page for more information on branch policy configuration.