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Upgrading the IQ Server

Upgrading the IQ Server is effectively replacing the server jar with the latest version and restarting. This process requires a minimum amount of downtime to complete. The server detects that it has upgraded from the files in the sonatype-work directory and performs any needed changes. This often includes updates to the database and files on disk.

We strongly recommend taking a backup of your server installation and sonatype-work directories before attempting to upgrade. Rarely does an issue happen during sequential updates, however, updates spanning multiple versions may run into unforeseen issues.

Follow the instructions to Backing up the IQ Server

Some upgrades may take longer to perform before the server is available. Disable any process that may interrupt the server while the upgrade is happening to avoid corruption. In a Kubernetes environment, a liveness probe may attempt to restart the server container during the upgrade.

Review the release-specific upgrade instructions for your current version and any versions that follow.

Upgrade Instructions

Download the latest version from Download and Compatibility

  1. Update differences from your current config.yml file and use the new config.yml

  2. Stop the server

  3. Replace the old config.yml with the new config.yml file

  4. Copy the new server jar and change the startup scripts to reflect the new jar name

  5. Start the server