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License File Details In Temporary Directories

IQ Server is a Java application. Once a license file has been uploaded, details about it are saved locally by Java.

This has two implications.

  1. Deleting the .lic file you received from Sonatype after your purchase does not unlicense your installation.

  2. Using the unlicense button from within the browser UI does not fully remove all details about your license from your machine.

Mac Users

Details about your license file are saved as ~/Library/Preferences/ may also need to use defaults delete if your goal is to delete details of your license file.

Linux Users

Details about your license file are saved as ~/.java/.userPrefs/com/sonatype/nexus/professional/prefs.xml.

Windows Users

Details about your license file are saved in the registry. Use regedit.exe and check both of the locations for a license file:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\com\sonatype\nexus\professional

  • HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\com\sonatype\nexus\professional