Policy Waiver REST API
This API can be used to create, retrieve, update and delete policy waivers.
NOTE: The GET Method currently does not support retrieval of expired waivers.
By OwnerId
GET /api/v2/policyWaivers/{ownerType: application|organization|repository|repository_container}/{ownerId}
The scope of the waiver is determined by the parameters ownerType and ownerID. Possible values for ownerType and owner ID are application, organization, root organization, repository or repository container.
1. Retrieve all policy waivers for the root org
curl -u admin:admin123 http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/organization/ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID
2. Retrieve all policy waivers that are applied to the application with application id787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b
NOTE: The results do not include inherited waivers, i.e. those applied at the organization or root level.
curl -u admin:admin123 http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/application/787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b
3. Retrieve all policy waivers for repository container
curl -u admin:admin123 http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/repository_container/REPOSITORY_CONTAINER_ID
4. Retrieve all policy waivers for repository id 6891f877e254428c991d9be640a32969
curl -u admin:admin123 http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/repository/6891f877e254428c991d9be640a32969
[ { "policyWaiverId": "f29f2e2927d64f1a91a7c06c3f52dad3", "comment": "", "createTime": "2022-10-07T21:28:10.418+0000", "expiryTime": "2022-11-07T04:59:59.999+0000", "scopeOwnerType": "application", "scopeOwnerId": "0d3fa305cb8d4ff4b9442d29816cf24c", "scopeOwnerName": "Application - TestApp", "hash": null, "policyId": "8ed35daa437349d8ac08688842fe922f", "vulnerabilityId": "sonatype-2020-0926", "creatorId": "admin", "creatorName": "Admin BuiltIn", "matcherStrategy": "ALL_VERSIONS", "associatedPackageUrl": "pkg:maven/com.google.guava/guava@25.1-android?type=jar", "componentIdentifier": { "format": "maven", "coordinates": { "artifactId": "guava", "extension": "jar", "groupId": "com.google.guava", "version": "25.1-android" } }, "reasonText": "Acknowledged violation", "displayName": { "parts": [ { "field": "Group", "value": "com.google.guava" }, { "value": " : " }, { "field": "Artifact", "value": "guava" }, { "value": " : " }, { "field": "Version", "value": "25.1-android" } ], "name": "guava" } }, { "policyWaiverId": "405790725d4d4fc6878a919c3b189f2f", "comment": "", "createTime": "2022-10-07T21:28:49.860+0000", "scopeOwnerType": "application", "scopeOwnerId": "0d3fa305cb8d4ff4b9442d29816cf24c", "scopeOwnerName": "Application - TestApp", "hash": "6fdf25b9d89b961d217a", "policyId": "c4a13a490a21435581124b2f9c4ea99c", "creatorId": "admin", "creatorName": "Admin BuiltIn", "matcherStrategy": "EXACT_COMPONENT", "associatedPackageUrl": null, "componentIdentifier": null, "displayName": null } ]
Matcher strategy indicates if the retrieved waiver applies to a specific component, all components that exist at the chosen level of hierarchy (root, org, application,) or all versions (past, present and future) of a component.
associatedPackageUrl, displayName, and componentIdentifier are null when a waiver is of all components type and for unknown components
By policyWaiverId
GET /api/v2/policyWaivers/{ownerType: application|organization|repository|repository_container}/{ownerId}/{policyWaiverId}
The scope of the waiver is determined by the parameters ownerType and ownerID. Possible values for ownerType and owner ID are application, organization, root organization, repository or repository container.
1. Retrieve a policy waiver with root org scope and policyWaiverid b0864840e52e41fa9eb80214222ba5e5
curl -u admin:admin123 http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/organization/ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID/b0864840e52e41fa9eb80214222ba5e5
2. Retrieve a policy waiver with application scope 28fa2fc995784480a781e601b00ebc5c and policyWaiverID ad8aecc1ba2f4ef686f117bf4a05e0e7
curl -u admin:admin123 http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/application/28fa2fc995784480a781e601b00ebc5c/ad8aecc1ba2f4ef686f117bf4a05e0e7
3. Retrieve a policy waiver with repository container scope and policyWaiverID a564d1bd4db734a6ec2b41e9243b8996
curl -u admin:admin123 http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/repository_container/REPOSITORY_CONTAINER_ID/a564d1bd4db734a6ec2b41e9243b8996
4. Retrieve a policy waiver with repository scope ce43cd92d0348c73e27bca58c3ee93a9 and policyWaiverId 76d34c0e3f5230e6ef8fb54ed4c1ee30
curl -u admin:admin123 http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/repository/ce43cd92d0348c73e27bca58c3ee93a9/76d34c0e3f5230e6ef8fb54ed4c1ee30
{ "policyWaiverId": "9fc1ee3f2761458380d2135ef01135f4", "comment": "", "createTime": "2022-10-07T21:49:00.051+0000", "expiryTime": "2022-10-22T04:59:59.999+0000", "scopeOwnerType": "organization", "scopeOwnerId": "e40aed6067cc431491d42154c1257ed6", "scopeOwnerName": "MyOrg", "hash": "686ef3410bcf4ab8ce7f", "policyId": "d378f2c0bb2d404bbec04cd5f894188b", "vulnerabilityId": "CVE-2014-0114", "policyName": "Security-High", "constraintFacts": [ { "constraintId": "6b68cdbe13884c779e44d643062b4b1c", "constraintName": "High risk CVSS score", "operatorName": "AND", "conditionFacts": [ ... ] } ], "constraintFactsJson": "...", "creatorId": "admin", "creatorName": "Admin BuiltIn", "matcherStrategy": "EXACT_COMPONENT", "associatedPackageUrl": "pkg:maven/commons-beanutils/commons-beanutils@1.8.3?type=jar", "componentIdentifier": { "format": "maven", "coordinates": { "artifactId": "commons-beanutils", "extension": "jar", "groupId": "commons-beanutils", "version": "1.8.3" } }, "threatLevel": 9, "displayName": { "parts": [ { "field": "Group", "value": "commons-beanutils" }, { "value": " : " }, { "field": "Artifact", "value": "commons-beanutils" }, { "value": " : " }, { "field": "Version", "value": "1.8.3" } ], "name": "commons-beanutils" } }
associatedPackageUrl, displayName, and componentIdentifier are null when a waiver is of type "all components" and "unknown components."
threatLevel should reflect the threat level of the policy violation.
Create a New Waiver
POST /api/v2/policyWaivers/{ownerType: application|organization|repository|repository_container}/{ownerId}/{policyViolationId}
The scope of the waiver is determined by the parameters ownerType and ownerID . Possible values for ownerType and owner ID are application, organization, root organization, repository or repository container.To obtain the policyViolationID , use Policy Violation REST API or Report REST APIs.
Refer table below for the properties of the JSON object payload that can be sent with the POST request.
Property | Default Value | Description |
matcherStrategy | Enumeration field.Possible values:EXACT_COMPONENT, ALL_COMPONENTS, ALL_VERSIONS | |
expiryTime | null | Optional, datetime to indicate expiry time of the waiver. |
comment | null | Optional, describes the waiver. |
applytoAllComponents | null | Boolean flag.Possible values true/false. If ‘true’ the waiver will be applied to all components |
waiverReasonId | null | The Id associated with the Waiver Reason. Use the Waiver Reason REST API to view the available Waiver Reasons and the corresponding Id. |
1. JSON payload:
{ "comment": "adding a waiver", "expiryTime": "2020-12-26T00:00:00.000+0000", "matcherStrategy": "ALL_COMPONENTS", "waiverReasonId": "5810538dfd311b6da17557360a10dc64" }
2. Create a waiver with scope as root org
curl -u admin:admin123 -X POST http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/organization/ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID/14f3e0fbc3884c21ac19bce74d7107c1
3. Create a waiver with a scope on a repository container
curl -u admin:admin123 -X POST http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/repository_container/REPOSITORY_CONTAINER_ID/8124f0f6f0544f7bbe65447bd3ca59ec
4. Create a waiver with a scope on a repository
curl -u admin:admin123 -X POST http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/repository/84a7c181efac4a94a33bd698f1dbbc33/30817d2b37cd47a3a6931effa1cd71bf
5. Create a waiver with scope as application having public ID WebGoat-6.0.1
and policyViolationId 14f3e0fbc3884c21ac19bce74d7107c1
curl -u admin:admin123 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"comment": "adding waiver for all components"}' http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/application/WebGoat-6.0.1/14f3e0fbc3884c21ac19bce74d7107c1
6. Create a time-based waiver
curl -u admin:admin123 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"comment": "adding a time-based waiver", "expiryTime": "2020-12-26T13:00:00.000+0000"}' http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/application/WebGoat-6.0.1/14f3e0fbc3884c21ac19bce74d7107c1
HTTP status 204: (No content) to indicate that the waiver has been successfully created.
PUT to Update an Existing Waiver
PUT api/v2/policyWaivers/{ownerType: application|organization|repository|repository_manager|repository_container}/{ownerId}/{policyWaiverId}
The scope of the waiver is determined by the parameters ownerType and ownerID . Possible values for ownerType and owner ID are application, organization, root organization, repository or repository container.
Use the GET method above to retrieve the policyWaiverID.
Specify the policyWaiverID in the PUT request, for the policy waiver to be updated.
NOTE: Updating matcherStrategy is currently unsupported.
1. Update a policy waiver with id 3458b438595740119043dd49a1a146df that applies to the root org.
curl -u admin:admin123 -X PUT http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/organization/ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID/3458b438595740119043dd49a1a146df
2. JSON payload:
{ "comment": "updating expiryTime", "expiryTime": "2025-12-26T00:00:00.000+0000", "matcherStrategy": "ALL_COMPONENTS", "waiverReasonId": "5810538dfd311b6da17557360a10dc64" }
HTTP status 204: (No content) to indicate that the waiver has been successfully updated.
DELETE /api/v2/policyWaivers/{ownerType: application|organization|repository|repository_container}/{ownerId}/{policyWaiverId}
The scope of the waiver is determined by the parameters ownerType andownerID. Possible values for ownerType and owner ID are application, organization, root organization, repository or repository container.
1. Delete a policy waiver with id 3458b438595740119043dd49a1a146df that applies to the root org
curl -u admin:admin123 -X DELETE http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/organization/ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID/3458b438595740119043dd49a1a146df
2. Delete a policy waiver with id d248b438595740119043dd49a1a146da for an application having application id 787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b:
curl -u admin:admin123 -X DELETE http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/application/787c2e3dc8e745c48743926251eef00b/d248b438595740119043dd49a1a146da
3. Delete a policy waiver with id 2338b438595740119043dd49a1a146dc in the repository container
curl -u admin:admin123 -X DELETE http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/repository_container/REPOSITORY_CONTAINER_ID/2338b438595740119043dd49a1a146dc
4. Delete a policy waiver with id e678b438595740119043dd49a1a14645 in the repository having id 6891f877e254428c991d9be640a32969:
curl -u admin:admin123 -X DELETE http://localhost:8070/api/v2/policyWaivers/repository/6891f877e254428c991d9be640a32969/e678b438595740119043dd49a1a14645
No response/content indicates that the waiver has been successfully deleted.
Change history for Policy Waiver REST API v2
Name | Type | Release supported from |
PUT | Method | Release 188 |
waiverReasonId | Input parameter | Release 183 |
reasonText | Response field | Release 183 |
policyWaiverId | Input parameter | Release 147 |
associatedPackageURL | Response field | Release 140 |
matcherStrategy | Input parameter, Response field | Release 140 |
creatorID, creatorName | Response fields | Release 131 |
expirytime | Input parameter | Release 100 |
DELETE | Method | Release 90 |
GET | Method | Release 92 |
applyToAllComponents | Input parameter | Deprecated, use matcherStrategy instead |