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Application Categories REST API

The Application Categories API manages application categories available to applications of an organization. An Application Category consists of a name, a description and a color.

Possible values for the field color are:

light-red, light-green, light-blue, light-purple, dark-red, dark-green, dark-blue, dark-purple, orange, yellow

Creating Application Categories

An application category for an organization can be created by sending a POST request

POST /api/v2/applicationCategories/organization/{organizationId}

with a body specifying the application category's details.

As an example, in order to create an application category using the cURL tool for the organization with id 3c1f21228ec243d5abdff55e913c7ab8 the command would be as follows:

curl -u admin:admin123 -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/applicationCategories/organization/3c1f21228ec243d5abdff55e913c7ab8' -d '{"name": "Internal Application","color": "dark-blue","description": "Applications internal to company."}'

The server responds with a 200 OK upon successful creation echoing the created application category with its details including the assigned id:

  "id": "72ad13b69f1141bdba66ff396a905b68",
  "name": "Internal Application",
  "description": "Applications internal to company",
  "organizationId": "3c1f21228ec243d5abdff55e913c7ab8",
  "color": "dark-blue"

Retrieving Application Categories

Application categories owned by an organization can be retrieved by sending a GET request

GET /api/v2/applicationCategories/organization/{organizationId}

As an example, in order to list owned application categories using the cURL tool for the organization with id 3c1f21228ec243d5abdff55e913c7ab8 the command would be as follows:

curl -u admin:admin123 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/applicationCategories/organization/3c1f21228ec243d5abdff55e913c7ab8'

The server responds with a 200 OK upon successful query and returns application categories available to an organization:

    "id": "72ad13b69f1141bdba66ff396a905b68",
    "name": "Internal Application",
    "description": "Applications internal to company",
    "organizationId": "3c1f21228ec243d5abdff55e913c7ab8",
    "color": "dark-blue"
    "id": "93e7890eebbf45a990927c1ac9a547e1",
    "name": "Test",
    "description": "Test",
    "organizationId": "3c1f21228ec243d5abdff55e913c7ab8",
    "color": "orange"

Updating Application Categories

An application category owned by an organization can be updated by sending a PUT request to

PUT /api/v2/applicationCategories/organization/{organizationId}

with a body specifying the application category's details including the id of the application category to be updated.

As an example, in order to update an application category using the cURL tool for the organization with id 3c1f21228ec243d5abdff55e913c7ab8 the command would be as follows:

curl -u admin:admin123 -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:8070/api/v2/applicationCategories/organization/3c1f21228ec243d5abdff55e913c7ab8' -d '{"id": "72ad13b69f1141bdba66ff396a905b68", "name": "Internal Application - Updated","color": "light-red","description": "Description updated."}'

The server responds with a 200 OK upon successful update echoing the updated application category with its details:

  "id": "72ad13b69f1141bdba66ff396a905b68",
  "name": "Internal Application - Updated",
  "description": "Description updated.",
  "organizationId": "3c1f21228ec243d5abdff55e913c7ab8",
  "color": "light-red"

Deleting Application Categories

An application category can be deleted sending a DELETE request to

DELETE /api/v2/applicationCategories/organization/{organizationId}/{applicationCategoryId}

The server responds with a 204 No Content upon successful deletion.